Thursday, March 26, 2020

Spring Flowers

Thursday 26th March, 2020

So here is my first blog during these exceptional times.

It's just some observations on nature in general as I walk the dog every day around my home. I am fortunate in having Ashdown Forest on my doorstep, however if you are able to walk in any greenspace and woodland at this time of the year, you may be able to notice these things too.

The sun is shining and spring seems to have arrived at last after a long wet winter. It lifts the spirit to be outside in these uncertain times and know that nature is carrying on regardless.

Early spring flowers are coming out, like Wood Anemone (Anemone nemorosa) which you can generally find in deciduous woodlands, taking advantage of the sunlight before the tree canopy blocks out the light,

The air is filled with birdsong in the morning sunshine, with Great Tits (Parus major) with their great variety of calls, perhaps the most common at this time of year being "tea-cher tea-cher"

I also heard a Chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) yesterday with its familiar namesake call. Generally these birds overwinter in Africa although some are now resident all year round as our winters become less severe. You can refresh your bird identification and listen to their calls here.

I also had a Brimstone butterfly (Gonepteryx rhamni) visit the garden yesterday in a brilliant flash of yellow. One of the first butterflies to emerge after hibernation and a sure sign spring is on its way. 

Enjoy a walk in isolation or social distancing if you can - it's all happening out there!

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